Start your career in conservation under the mentor ship of renowned conservationists, ex-Kruger Park rangers and veterans in in the field; or just join the course for a life changing wilderness experience…the choice is yours, but one thing is certain - what you will learn and experience is priceless!!!

Good veld management is needed to prevent land degradation and to ensure sustainable food production and biodiversity conservation. But good veld management relies on a good knowledge of ecological principles and veld management practices, something many land users did not have the privilege to acquire.

This “feet-wet & hands-dirty” course has been developed to teach students the fundamentals of sustainable and responsible wildlife management as they actively partake in the daily running of a wilderness concession located in the world famous Greater Kruger Park!!!

Understanding the fundamental concepts and theories behind managing and looking after a conservation area; and being able to successfully apply these concepts in practice is paramount to the success of any game reserve - and that is exactly what this course is all about.

The VELD & WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT COURSE will provide you with a wealth of knowledge and insights into the responsible conservation management practices and send you on your way to a successful career in conservation.

Become part of Africa’s conservation services community, TODAY!!


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