AFRICAN BUSH TRAINING: Your 'GATEWAY' to a Bush Career !!!

ABT is one of the industry's most innovative and exciting seats of learning, with our head quarters based in Phalaborwa and main campuses located in the Northern Drakensberg and  Greater Kruger National Park.

While ABT exhibits many features of the traditional 'Bush'  school, our uniquely robust approach to such issues as students’ personal growth and professional development continues to win the respect of educationalists worldwide. The school is built on TRADITION, ETHOS and VALUES and this is underwritten in everything we do at ABT...

Founded by conservationist , veteran lodge manager and Kruger Park trails ranger, Mr. Johann Jurgens in the early 2000's, this school has grown from what started out to be a small scale training facility, to a leading provider of high quality Qualification- and Learning Programme- Certificate courses.

In formulating his original concept for ABT thirty years ago, Principle Johann Jurgens adhered firmly to the classical dictum mens sana in corpore sano - a healthy mind in a healthy body. He was determined to focus on providing students from all backgrounds with the opportunity to learn and kick start successful careers in the Field Guide, Wildlife and Hospitality Management field.

ABT is supported by a team of reputable and well-respected instructors, all of whom are specialists in their respective fields. They are attracted to work with ABT on a full-time or part-time basis by the opportunity it provides for them to share knowledge and experience with a new generation of conservationist and wildlife ambassadors- and all of them take exceptionally deep interests in their charges...

As a result, ABT puts strong emphasis on the standard and quality of our courses, providing our students with the opportunity to build meaningful portfolios of skills evidence and competency.

We are especially proud of our policy of integrated learning. That, we believe, encourages students not only in the achievement of qualifications, but also in developing personal and professional competency aligned with industry requirement, and we monitor their progress in those areas constantly and extremely closely.

The unique ABT educational philosophy stresses, however, that a healthy balance between theoretical and practical training must be maintained throughout the presentation of all our courses.

ABT holds to the principle that holistic learning should be integrated into all curriculum's and learning programs. As followers of the 'wilderness' school tradition, we entrust this to both the unique location of our campuses and the valuable contributions made by our trainers in training.

With a long standing track record of academic success, ABT continues to strife towards excellence as we live up to our reputation as Africa’s leading provider of trained and skilled personnel to the Field Guide, Wildlife and Hospitality industry.


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