So do you want to be a Professional Field Guide...?

Sign up for the 55-day Field Guide Course and enjoy living and working in the bush…

The course is endorsed by the Field Guide Association of Southern Africa (FGASA) and the syllabus has been aligned with the unit standards of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) TG/NATSITEGD/02/0040 - Nature Site Guide National Skills Program (FGASA Apprentice Field Guide Qualification)

The FGASA Apprentice Nature Guide Qualification is the most sought after qualification required by the guiding industry for employment. The FGASA Apprentice Course also contains the CATHSSETA Nature Site Guide qualification, which is the minimum requirement for guides to register as legal tour guides in South Africa. Beyond Southern Africa’s borders, the higher standard of the FGASA qualification also enjoys recognition in many other countries on and off the African Continent.

At AFRICAN BUSH TRAINING, we dont just train field guides, we strive to train exceptional guides - guides with a deep understanding of the natural environment - guides that can interpret the magic of the wilderness with as much enthusiasm as the magnificence of a lion roaring over the African savanna  plains- guides who can use their time with tourists to spread the conservation message - guides who can become future conservation leaders - guides who can truly fulfil the role of ambassadors for wildlife. But this course is also so much more... it's an opportunity for personal growth, for learning new skills and and an experience of a lifetime.

This course also includes our Birds & Birding-, Wilderness Tracks & Signs-, Kruger Park Discovery- and Animal Behavior- short course certificates.


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