Interesting Fact's about tortoises #ReptileMonday


  • Live on land.
  • Have clawed feet.
  • Heads are drawn back into the shell. 
Tortoises and terrapins do not have teeth. Instead they have a beak or smooth cutting edge on the upper
jaw, and a serrated cutting edge on the bottom jaw, both of which are composed of horn-like material.

Tortoises all have eyelids as well as external ear openings, which are covered by a thin skin-like tissue
called the tympanic membrane. Compensating for poor hearing, tortoises have a good sense of smell,
very good vision and are able to distinguish certain colours.

Water is stored in an anal sac called the bursa. This water is used when needed to soften the soil for egg-
laying or reabsorbed for bodily functions.

The gender of the hatchling is determined  by the egg incubation temperature : females at higher temperatures  (31 to 34°C) and males are produced at lower temperatures.(26 to 30°C)

The leopard tortoise is a member of the Small 5 (along with the rhino beetle, the red-billed buffalo weaver, elephant shrew and the antlion)

The leopard tortoise is a widespread species and remains common throughout most of its range. Human activities, including agricultural burning, consumption, and especially commercial exploitation in the pet trade, are potential threats but have not yet caused significant population declines. They are increasingly being bred in captivity for the pet trade.


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