3 - Months Guiding Combo Course #CareerSaturday

©Ludique Swart


The 3-MONTHS GUIDING COMBO PROGRAM prepares students for active participation in the African Eco-tourism and Game Lodge industry, by nurturing competent guides, with well formulated career paths in the various speciality field of a professional guide.  This includes a good knowledge and understanding of the African wilderness and the development of vital skills such as bush craft, snake handling, first aid, tracking, birding, wildlife photography and environmental education.

The course has been structured to include the national skills programmes as required by the South African Tourism Act, to be recognized and registered as a legal nature and tourist guide. These skills programmes are trained using the syllabus of the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa (FGASA) for the Apprentice Field Guide (NQF2) Qualification and is fully endorsed by CATHSSETA (Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education Training Authority).

In addition to the above mentioned skills programmes, ABT have added components such as Wildlife Tourism in SA and Practical Guiding Skills that address areas of essential knowledge that are not included in the skills programmes above. These include various topics such general knowledge enhancement, the art of bush interpretation, inter-personal skills, guest etiquette, guiding ethics, standards, leadership and communication.



FGASA Apprentice Field Guide (NQF2), Snake Handling, First Aid, Environmental Education, Bush Craft/Survival, Wildlife Photography, Wilderness Tracks/Signs and Advanced Birds Birding

Learn more at https://africanbushtraining.com


  1. Wish I could join the course! Know that ABT is the best for learning all about the bush and wildlife.


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