Did you know ? The Nile monitor lizard is actually Africa's largest lizard ?#ReptileMonday

©Armand Otto

Tough conditions breed tough animals and the Nile Monitor definitely has what it takes to survive in its harsh African habitat. 

Creature Features 
Species: Varanus niloticus 
Length: Can reach 2.5m including Tail
Weight: Can range from 7-10+ Kilograms 
Prey: Insects, frogs, smaller reptiles, rodents, carrion, fish 
Life span: Up to 15 years 

The Nile monitor is a Nasty predator with a ferocious appetite. It spends its day searching for food of all kinds including carcasses and leaves. Any animal that gets between this lizard and a meal better beware as they have been known to protect themselves against leopards and crocodiles. This reptile is adept on land and in water, it will even climb the tallest of Nyala trees to snag a meal. 

Snake tongue: Monitor Lizards have a long forked tongue just like snakes.The tongue is flicked out and used to retrieve scent particles in the air to detect food or potential mates.

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