Argemone ochroleuca (Mexican Prickly Poppy) an invasive plant.

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Invasive alien vegetation refers to plants brought to South Africa from other countries, both intentionally and unintentionally, that cause human, environmental or economic harm. Without natural enemies, these plants reproduce and spread rapidly, taking valuable water and space from our indigenous plants.

This plant is native to Mexico and has also been introduced to many temperate and tropical regions of the world where is considered as an invasive weed.

Commonly found as a weed of roadsides, mining dumps, rabbit warrens, recently cultivated paddocks, waste places, and over grazed pastures. It often occurs as dense stands in sandy stream beds and alluvial flats associated with intermittent inland streams.

An extremely hardy pioneer plant, it is tolerant of drought and poor soil, often being the only cover on new road cuttings or verges. It has bright yellow latex. It is poisonous to grazing animals, and it is rarely eaten, but it has been used medicinally by many peoples, including those in its native area

Some of the Health Benefits believed are:

Treat skin problems

Heal wounds

Mosquito repellant



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