BUSH CAREERS: Work Opportunities in the Safari Industry

Do you have a passion for the bush and working outdoors? 

Start building a successful career in Eco Tourism and Conservation with AFRICAN BUSH TRAINING (ABT) - South Africa's leading Field Guide & Wildlife Management School!

You can now get your qualification in the field of your choice at a fraction of what you would pay at a tertiary institution by enrolling for a endorsed qualification course or accredited learning program with ABT.

What makes things more appealing is that ABT's professional career consultants will assist all students in finding a job after the successful completion of their qualification courses!!!

Whether you enroll for the 3-month "Safari Ranger Internship Program" during which you are rewarded with a National Qualification in Nature Guiding and no less than 12 Skills Programme Certificates, the 55- day "Professional Field Guide Course", or attend any one of our Short Courses ranging from 3 days to 14 days, it is paramount that you keep growing your Portfolio of Evidence and CV to strengthen your status in the industry.

Located in the Northern Drakensberg Mountains of the Limpopo Province; and in a attempt to make ABT's training campus accessible to as many students possible  we now offer a daily shuttle service between Johannesburg and the campus at very affordable rates.  
For more information about AFRICAN BUSH TRAINING go to www.africanbushexperience.com or contact the campus at africanbushtraining@gmail.com or 0828557159


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